Bentonite Clay

images-1imgresimages-2What is it?

Bentonite clay is a natural healing clay that is made up from minerals that are formed by volcanic ash. This volcanic ash was originally found near Fort Benton, Wyoming. It is a very powerful clay that produces a negative electric charge when activated by water, This aids in binding and removing toxins. The water alters the components allowing the clay to become a powerful tool to absorb those nasty toxins. Bentonite clay is used to remove heavy metals from the body in addition to toxins. It can be used both externally and internally, if the quality of clay is high (while we do mention ingesting Bentonite clay we do not recommend that you do so).


How is it used?

Externally, this clay can be applied to any area of your body. Some people go as for as to taking a Bentonite Clay bath, applying it to their entire body.


  • Apply the bentonite clay and water paste on the skin. This can be used for any skin irritation like blemishes, insect bites, cuts, skin itching, and burns. It helps with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  • For more severe issues try making a poultice by applying a thick layer of clay on the skin, then a layer of wet gauze or cloth. After the clay and gauze have been applied, wrap the area, changing the poultice every 2 hours.
  • Detox Bath – Add 1/4 to 1/2 cups of clay to your bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. It will revitalize your body and awaken your cells.
  • Substitute for Baby Powder – The clay can be applied the same way you apply baby powder. It soothes infection and redness.

-Face Mask Recipes-

    • 1 tablespoon bentonite clay
    • 1 tablespoon water, apple cider vinegar, or kombucha
    • essential oils like tea tree and lavender are optional
    •  a cup or bowl and a spoon to mix (plastic only)

Mix the ingredients together and apply to the face or area of skin you wish to focus on. Allow the mask to dry for 15-20 or until hard, this will allow the sponge like mixture to draw out all toxins and heavy metals in the skin. Once the mask has hardened, rinse with warm water and pat dry. It is always important to moisturize your skin, keep it natural and try raw shea butter. If you find it to be too greasy try a light weight moisturizer that contains SPF.

– Add 4-5 drops tea tree essential oil and 1 tablespoon of ground oats (grind in food processor or blender until flour like) for an acne fighting mask

-Add 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey for an antibacterial acne fighting mask

– Substitute the water, apple cider vinegar, or kombucha for a plain yogurt for a soothing face mask



-MLI ❤