Cinco De Mayo


Do you know the significance behind this glorious holiday? For those who say no, let me give you that “I learn something new everyday” lesson.


Many believe that Cinco De Mayo, The 5th of May is Mexico’s Independence day. *hits loud buzzer* well they are wrong, The 5th of May is actually a holiday that commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle of Puebla in 1862. But, like most days, we don’t need a reason to party.


The battle at Puebla in 1862 happened during a very violent and chaotic time in Mexico’s history. In 1821 Mexico finally gained independence from Spain after a hard and bloody struggle with numerous internal political wars and takeovers. Which included the Mexican-American War and the Mexican Civil War of 1858, which ruined the national economy.

The French army was stopped near Puebla at the Mexican forts of Loreto and Guadalupe. Lead by Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin, 4,500 men were able to defeat the French army of 6,500. This gave Mexicans a good reason to celebrate, although I was short lived due to Napoleon III. He later sent 30,000 troops to dominate Mexico because of his loss. For 3 years Maximilian was ruler of Mexico. His reign ended after the American Civil war was over, the U.S. sent military assistance to Mexico to help expel the French.


So while the holiday is supposed to be more of a regional thing, many cities in U.S., that are highly populated with people of a Mexican heritage, take the opportunity to celebrate. Over the years it has become a larger holiday north of the border, than south.


This year will be our first year celebrating this holiday. In partnership with Luz McCook we are having a Cinco De Mayo themed brunch. Festive hats, bright colors, and a piñata filled with tequila!!!!


For tickets you can click the flyer below …



See you Sunday !! Bring your fiesta hats … It’s time to party !


“… an extension of love”


Luz McCook … Remember her name, and make sure you remember that you heard it first from Majestical Lips, INC. Luz is a beautiful mother of two darling boys, a working woman, a chef, and the owner and founder of PopupMIA and Discover Gourmet Catering. If that wasn’t enough to empress you Luz recently started a non-profit organization called Flowers Against Hunger, a food pantry that provides healthy fresh food for hungry families in South Florida. PhotoGrid_1427401258301

I have seen her passion in food through the food she produces, but I had to ask her how she grew to love cooking so much. Luz explained to me that as a child growing up she bonded with her father by cooking with him. That made cooking enjoyable for her, eventually making it a way for her to express herself. Her main ingredient ? Love ❤ Consider yourself lucky if you get invited to her home for any cooked meal, because Luz told me “if i cook for you consider it an extension of love”. Luz specializes in international cuisine, having cooked for celebrities and professional athletes. Before the birth of her youngest son she had an awesome gig cooking for student who lived on campus at FIU. Im sure it was better than mamas cooking !

img_0152Through mutual friends and the lovely social media I have had the please of becoming friends with this magnificent woman (If you couldn’t tell I’m all about women empowerment). I am excited to have her as a part of the MLI family. Her energy and positive vibrations are infectious. Growing up with a passion for cooking, Luz has always inspired me with her posts, I made Jamaican Patties years ago since I felt so inspired. None the less her presentation and creativity is beyond any of my home learned skills. Now I leave the cooking up to her and focus of spreading the holistic lifestyle. But, it is has been torturous, salivating over all of her post on Instagram like pan roasted chicken breast braised in homemade roasted chicken stock, served with congri with smoked sausage and steamed veggies YUM !!10150652_10102027488199378_1660800295902112925_n

I wanted to share Luz with you because Popup MIA will be presenting a series of spring brunches called Nice N’ Easy in the Majestical Lips Garden hosted by herself and Dahlia Brice. The first to be held on April 19, 2015 from 11:00am to 3:00pm Book your ticket here before the 17th and get the early bird special .. A portion of all tickets sold at this event will be donated to Flowers Against Hunger. Flowers Against Hunger is a weekly subscription of $4, with this small donation they send you a small bouquet of flowers for your office or home. So while feeding the less fortunate family you get a little reminder of how awesome you are for donating ! I could go on and on about why she is amazing but, the easiest way for you to find out is by making your way here to meet her and Dahlia for yourself!

Nice N Easy Brunch 04192015

Click the above flyer to purchase tickets …

To contact Luz or Dahlia check out the information below or
