Poetic Garden

Every third Friday of the month Majestical Lips, INC & friends host a open mic poetry event. Both new and old performers bless the stage all night!!! We set the tone with Miami’s hidden gem The Uncanny Reservoir, a great local band. There is always food and drink served, and the best part, a beautiful flow of positive vibrations all through the night.
April is National Poetry month, Majestical Lips is encouraging everyone to take the challenge and write poetry for our Poetic Garden. For more interesting information on National Poetry Month check out…  http://www.poets.org/national-poetry-month/about-celebration
Spoken Word is poetry intended for onstage performance, rather than exclusively designed for the page. While often associated with hip-hop culture, it also has strong ties to storytelling, modern poetry, post-modern performance, and monologue theatre, as well as jazz, blues, and folk music.Due to its immediacy and direct rapport with its audience, this type of poetry often contains references to current events and issues relevant to a contemporary audience.

At its best, spoken word is a powerful, high-energy form of expression that attracts artists and audiences of all ages from a wide range of disciplines and socio-cultural backgrounds.

A form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning.

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