HERB: Chaste Berry

Vitex agnus-castus

Chaste Berry/ Vitex agnus-castus

Also known as: Chaste Tree, Monk’s Pepper, Chaste Lamb-Tree, Safe Tree. It has also been called Indian-Spice, and Wild-Pepper, referring to the use of the fruits as a pepper substitute. The small round fruits (seeds) have a pungent scent and flavor reminiscent of black pepper.

Parts used: berries
With a rich traditional of use as a remedy for controlling and regulating the female reproductive system. Also used to regularize monthly periods and treat amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, it also helped ease menopausal problems and aided the birth process. modern research supports historical wisdom, and has made chaste tree fruit preparations a phytomedicine of choice by European gynecologists for treatment of various menstrual disorders, PMS, and other conditions.

$2.00 per ounce

Organic Chaste Tree Berries Whole


Herb History

Chaste tree was associated with ancient Greek festivals. In the Thesmophoria, a festival held in honor of Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, fertility and marriage, women (who remained “chaste” during the festival), used chaste tree blossoms for adornment, while bows of twigs and leaves, were strewn around Demeter’s temple during the festival. In Rome, vestal virgins carried twigs of chaste tree as a symbol of chastity. According to Greek mythology, Hera, sister and wife of Zeus, regarded as protectress of marriage, was born under a chaste tree. Ancient traditions associating the shrub with chastity were adopted in Christian ritual. Novitiates entering a monastery walked on a path strewn with the blossoms of the tree, a ritual that continues to the present day in some regions of Italy.
Vitex neither represses sexual passion, as the ancient Greeks who gave it the name Agnus casus (chaste), believed, nor does it act as a true aphrodisiac. Vitex is a normalizing herb for the female reproductive system, a regulator of the hormonal balance of estrogen and progesterone. This normalizing of hormones is what makes the herb valuable in treating painful and irregular menses, PMS, menopause and infertility. For chronic problems, it is most effective when taken over a prolonged period of time.

Vitex berry tinctures were also traditionally prescribed for pain and weakness in the limbs.

Chasteberry MajesticalLipsInc.com


Chasteberry is not just for women. It has also been used as a natural remedy to help balance hormones in men. It has a natural anti-androgen that lowers testosterone levels and may suppress the onset of prostate cancer.

Chasteberry also has antioxidant properties for removing free radicals as well as anti-inflammatory qualities. It can be effective for digestive problems, and can be useful in reducing overall cholesterol levels.

Chasteberry is often used by herbalists to regulate hormone imbalances in women and lower the testosterone levels in men. It is known for its effectiveness in the treatment of menstrual disorders, PMS, menopausal symptoms such as breast tenderness, hot flashes and mood swings, infertility and decreased milk production in lactating women. Due to its anti-androgen activity, Chasteberry has been used as a natural supplement to lower testosterone levels in transgenders (in male to female), and to suppress the onset of prostate cancer which is also associated with high testosterone levels. Its anti-androgen activity may also help clear up acne, reduce Hirsutism (excessive hair growth) in women.

Ways to prepare:

one teaspoon of (dried or fresh) Chasteberrys crushed lightly

one cup of boiling water

let sit 3-5 minutes before you drink


The Chasteberry herb works primarily on the pituitary gland to balance and stabilize the hormonal fluctuations women experience every month with their menstrual cycle. Chasteberry increases the body’s secretion of luteinizing hormone which helps to reduce prolactin and increase both progesterone and follicle-stimulating hormones. Higher levels of prolactin contribute to irregular or the absence of the menstruation cycle, thus, using chasteberry helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, including symptoms of PMS. Evidence suggests that the chasteberry flowers contain the plant world’s equivalent of human testosterone, which would help to stimulate libido.


There are not any known adverse side effects of Chasteberry when taken in moderation. Chasteberry should not be taken more than 6-8 months on a regular basis. However, overdose of Chasteberry may cause headache, dizziness, nausea, upset stomach, rash, and itchiness. Since Chasteberry is considered a hormone regulator, it should be avoided when you are being treated for any kind of hormone related condition, are pregnant or lactating or are taking oral contraceptives or medications with dopamine and bromocriptine. Also anti-androgen activity of Chasteberry might affect the fertility in men. Therefore it should be taken into consideration when trying to conceive. It is recommended to consult your health care provider before taking chasteberry or its supplements therapeutically to rule any potential clash with any other medications that you may be taking.


·         http://www.maplecreeknaturals.com/benefits-of-chasteberry-herb-for-pms/

·         http://www.organicauthority.com/health/balance-hormones-naturally-with-chasteberry.html

·         http://www.wholehealthchicago.com/464/chasteberry/

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