Poetic Garden

Every third Friday of the month Majestical Lips, INC & friends host a open mic poetry event. Both new and old performers bless the stage all night!!! We set the tone with Miami’s hidden gem The Uncanny Reservoir, a great local band. There is always food and drink served, and the best part, a beautiful flow of positive vibrations all through the night.
April is National Poetry month, Majestical Lips is encouraging everyone to take the challenge and write poetry for our Poetic Garden. For more interesting information on National Poetry Month check out…  http://www.poets.org/national-poetry-month/about-celebration
Spoken Word is poetry intended for onstage performance, rather than exclusively designed for the page. While often associated with hip-hop culture, it also has strong ties to storytelling, modern poetry, post-modern performance, and monologue theatre, as well as jazz, blues, and folk music.Due to its immediacy and direct rapport with its audience, this type of poetry often contains references to current events and issues relevant to a contemporary audience.

At its best, spoken word is a powerful, high-energy form of expression that attracts artists and audiences of all ages from a wide range of disciplines and socio-cultural backgrounds.

A form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning.

Cinco De Mayo


Do you know the significance behind this glorious holiday? For those who say no, let me give you that “I learn something new everyday” lesson.


Many believe that Cinco De Mayo, The 5th of May is Mexico’s Independence day. *hits loud buzzer* well they are wrong, The 5th of May is actually a holiday that commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle of Puebla in 1862. But, like most days, we don’t need a reason to party.


The battle at Puebla in 1862 happened during a very violent and chaotic time in Mexico’s history. In 1821 Mexico finally gained independence from Spain after a hard and bloody struggle with numerous internal political wars and takeovers. Which included the Mexican-American War and the Mexican Civil War of 1858, which ruined the national economy.

The French army was stopped near Puebla at the Mexican forts of Loreto and Guadalupe. Lead by Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin, 4,500 men were able to defeat the French army of 6,500. This gave Mexicans a good reason to celebrate, although I was short lived due to Napoleon III. He later sent 30,000 troops to dominate Mexico because of his loss. For 3 years Maximilian was ruler of Mexico. His reign ended after the American Civil war was over, the U.S. sent military assistance to Mexico to help expel the French.


So while the holiday is supposed to be more of a regional thing, many cities in U.S., that are highly populated with people of a Mexican heritage, take the opportunity to celebrate. Over the years it has become a larger holiday north of the border, than south.


This year will be our first year celebrating this holiday. In partnership with Luz McCook we are having a Cinco De Mayo themed brunch. Festive hats, bright colors, and a piñata filled with tequila!!!!


For tickets you can click the flyer below …



See you Sunday !! Bring your fiesta hats … It’s time to party !


“… an extension of love”


Luz McCook … Remember her name, and make sure you remember that you heard it first from Majestical Lips, INC. Luz is a beautiful mother of two darling boys, a working woman, a chef, and the owner and founder of PopupMIA and Discover Gourmet Catering. If that wasn’t enough to empress you Luz recently started a non-profit organization called Flowers Against Hunger, a food pantry that provides healthy fresh food for hungry families in South Florida. PhotoGrid_1427401258301

I have seen her passion in food through the food she produces, but I had to ask her how she grew to love cooking so much. Luz explained to me that as a child growing up she bonded with her father by cooking with him. That made cooking enjoyable for her, eventually making it a way for her to express herself. Her main ingredient ? Love ❤ Consider yourself lucky if you get invited to her home for any cooked meal, because Luz told me “if i cook for you consider it an extension of love”. Luz specializes in international cuisine, having cooked for celebrities and professional athletes. Before the birth of her youngest son she had an awesome gig cooking for student who lived on campus at FIU. Im sure it was better than mamas cooking !

img_0152Through mutual friends and the lovely social media I have had the please of becoming friends with this magnificent woman (If you couldn’t tell I’m all about women empowerment). I am excited to have her as a part of the MLI family. Her energy and positive vibrations are infectious. Growing up with a passion for cooking, Luz has always inspired me with her posts, I made Jamaican Patties years ago since I felt so inspired. None the less her presentation and creativity is beyond any of my home learned skills. Now I leave the cooking up to her and focus of spreading the holistic lifestyle. But, it is has been torturous, salivating over all of her post on Instagram like pan roasted chicken breast braised in homemade roasted chicken stock, served with congri with smoked sausage and steamed veggies YUM !!10150652_10102027488199378_1660800295902112925_n

I wanted to share Luz with you because Popup MIA will be presenting a series of spring brunches called Nice N’ Easy in the Majestical Lips Garden hosted by herself and Dahlia Brice. The first to be held on April 19, 2015 from 11:00am to 3:00pm Book your ticket here before the 17th and get the early bird special .. A portion of all tickets sold at this event will be donated to Flowers Against Hunger. Flowers Against Hunger is a weekly subscription of $4, with this small donation they send you a small bouquet of flowers for your office or home. So while feeding the less fortunate family you get a little reminder of how awesome you are for donating ! I could go on and on about why she is amazing but, the easiest way for you to find out is by making your way here to meet her and Dahlia for yourself!

Nice N Easy Brunch 04192015

Click the above flyer to purchase tickets …

To contact Luz or Dahlia check out the information below

discovergourmetcatering@gmail.com or popupmia@gmail.com


Bentonite Clay

images-1imgresimages-2What is it?

Bentonite clay is a natural healing clay that is made up from minerals that are formed by volcanic ash. This volcanic ash was originally found near Fort Benton, Wyoming. It is a very powerful clay that produces a negative electric charge when activated by water, This aids in binding and removing toxins. The water alters the components allowing the clay to become a powerful tool to absorb those nasty toxins. Bentonite clay is used to remove heavy metals from the body in addition to toxins. It can be used both externally and internally, if the quality of clay is high (while we do mention ingesting Bentonite clay we do not recommend that you do so).


How is it used?

Externally, this clay can be applied to any area of your body. Some people go as for as to taking a Bentonite Clay bath, applying it to their entire body.


  • Apply the bentonite clay and water paste on the skin. This can be used for any skin irritation like blemishes, insect bites, cuts, skin itching, and burns. It helps with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  • For more severe issues try making a poultice by applying a thick layer of clay on the skin, then a layer of wet gauze or cloth. After the clay and gauze have been applied, wrap the area, changing the poultice every 2 hours.
  • Detox Bath – Add 1/4 to 1/2 cups of clay to your bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. It will revitalize your body and awaken your cells.
  • Substitute for Baby Powder – The clay can be applied the same way you apply baby powder. It soothes infection and redness.

-Face Mask Recipes-

    • 1 tablespoon bentonite clay
    • 1 tablespoon water, apple cider vinegar, or kombucha
    • essential oils like tea tree and lavender are optional
    •  a cup or bowl and a spoon to mix (plastic only)

Mix the ingredients together and apply to the face or area of skin you wish to focus on. Allow the mask to dry for 15-20 or until hard, this will allow the sponge like mixture to draw out all toxins and heavy metals in the skin. Once the mask has hardened, rinse with warm water and pat dry. It is always important to moisturize your skin, keep it natural and try raw shea butter. If you find it to be too greasy try a light weight moisturizer that contains SPF.

– Add 4-5 drops tea tree essential oil and 1 tablespoon of ground oats (grind in food processor or blender until flour like) for an acne fighting mask

-Add 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey for an antibacterial acne fighting mask

– Substitute the water, apple cider vinegar, or kombucha for a plain yogurt for a soothing face mask



-MLI ❤


Kombucha Love pt.1


Let’s talk about it … the Immortal Health Elixir, commonly known as Kombucha. In a nut shell it is the superfood of beverages, but before we rant and rave about how amazing it is, we need to know WHAT it is.

Kombucha is fermented tea, plain and simple. Fermentation, as per Webster’s definition is, a :  a chemical change with effervescence b :  an enzymatically controlled anaerobic breakdown of an energy-rich compound (as a carbohydrate to carbon dioxide and alcohol or to an organic acid); broadly :  an enzymatically controlled transformation of an organic compound (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fermentation). It is the process of that the ecosystem uses to digest complex matter into simpler molecules, which brings it down to base level to be re-entered into the food chain.

The drink is alive ! After the fermentation process, it has the power to nourish the body with compounds that can detoxify, energize, support your immune system, promote healthy skin, aides in digestion, and elevates your mood.

So, what’s in it ? Kombucha is made with tea, we use a green tea, but you may find it made with white or black teas as well. The tea is sweetened with white sugar. I know, I know, white sugar … this is probably the only time when white sugar is the only option. During the fermentation process the SCOBY, which I’ll get to in a second, eats up all the sugar. Finally, and the most important part of the fermentation process, the SCOBY. SCOBY which stands for Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast, is what gets the party started…. (There will be a later post on how to make Kombucha which I will go into detail about the process and all its ingredients.)

Okay, now that we got the business out the way… let’s talk about how AMAZING kombucha is.

First and foremost it is a probiotic drink. It is rich is many of the enzymes and bacterial acids your body naturally produces and uses to detox your system. While almost every batch can very in it components, I will give you a list of a few of them that have been found by scientific studies.

  • Glucosamines – Increases the hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid
  • Probiotics – Aides in digestions and fights candida overgrowth
  • Acetic Acid – The longer the tea is left to ferment, the higher the levels of acetic acid. This particular acid has the effect of leveling blood sugar spikes by disturbing the process of the breakdown of starches and sugar.
  • Caprylic acid – This acid is associated with the reduction of high blood pressure, as well as the treatment of Crohn’s disease. Caprylic acid is often used to treat vaginal and other yeast infections, including thrush.
  • B vitamins – Now we all know the importance of B vitamins, in Kombucha you may find …
    • B1 – Thiamine; deficiencies in this particular vitamin can cause optical, neurological, cardiovascular, and other serious diseases.
    • B2 – Riboflavin; This helps to prevent migraine headaches, treat anemia, breakdown fat and carbs, and aides in the production of energy in your body.
    • B3 – Niacin – Decreases the risk of ❤ disease !!! Also, it is helpful in regulating hormones; specifically, sexual hormones.
    • B5 – Pantothenic Acid; helps to regulate the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol & it is also a great defender against heart disease
    • B12 – Cyanocobalamin; cell maintenance, particularly in the blood and nervous system. It helps with fatigue, Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer, and anemia.
  • Catechins and other polyphenols – Basically … antioxidants. Antioxidants do not live long in the body, therefore it is beneficial to consume them throughout the day. That does not mean that you have to only sip Kombucha throughout your day, it just means that now you have another option to your daily consumption of antioxidants. Oh, and if you weren’t familiar with polyphenols before, you should start. Polyphenols help to reduce body fat. You’re welcome.
  • Lactic acid – This particular acid is made by our muscles during exercise, which is what our mitochondria use to maintain performance. Therefore, the more lactic acid our little mitochondria have, the longer and harder they can work. IMPROVED PERFORMANCE.

Those are just a few of the compounds that have been found by multiple scientific studies. Now, and I’ll make it short and brief, I will list a few of the benefits that have been found through cultural wisdom …

  • Acid Reflux
  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Colitis
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Eczema
  • Excess Weight
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hangover
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Indigestion
  • PMS
  • Radiation Poisoning
  • Rheumatism
  • Sluggish Metabolism
  • Thinning Hair
  • Tonsillitis

and believe me… ask a few different people whose families have been drinking Kombucha for generations, the list would never end.

So, hopefully you have been convinced to, at least try Kombucha, if you haven’t already.

When you do we recommend that you start off with only 4oz a day. I know that it isn’t much, and when you taste it you will be bummed because it actually taste great, but it does contain live bacteria. You want to first introduce it to your body. So, try the 4oz daily for about a week, then increase it to 8oz. Do a week with the 8oz then move up to 12oz. Baby steps people, baby steps. Once you’ve slowly moved up the Kombucha ladder, stop at 16oz. At 16oz a day you will receive all the benefits from Kombucha without it being in excess.

There is a forever growing supply of knowledge about Kombucha. I have recently started my own journey with it and I am already in love. When I make Kombucha, I make it with love and appreciation for its history. I have learned so much from literature but even more from the Kombucha community around me & the shop. I am excited to document my journey and share my knowledge with anyone who is willing to listen … or in your case read.

Until next time !




HERB: Dandelion Leaf and Root

Dandelion/Taraxacum officinale

Parts used: Roots, flowers, leaves

Also known as: Blowball, Cankerwort, Common Dandelion, Dandelion Herb, Leontodon taracum, Lion’s Tooth, Pissenlit, Priest’s Crown, Swine Snout, Taraxaci herba, Taraxacum vulgare, Wild Endive, Pee in the Bed, Lions Teeth, Fairy Clock, Clock, Clock Flowers, Clocks and Watches, Farmers Clocks, Old Mans Clock, One Clock, Wetweed, Blowball, Cankerwort, Lionstooth, Priests Crown, Puffball, Swinesnout, White Endive, Wild Endive and Pissa-a-beds. Dandelion, comes from Dents Lioness, medieval Latin, or Dent de Lion, French, both meaning tooth of the lion.

Dandelion’s are Blood purifiers and builder. They are high in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium.

Dandelion Leaf $4.00 per oz 

Organic Dandelion Leaf C/S - 4 oz


Dandelion Root $4.50 per oz

Organic Dandelion Root Roasted C/S - 4 oz



The dandelion is hated by men who strive for a golf-course swath of grass in their yards. But is also a herald of spring beloved by children. Children around the world delight in presenting their mothers with tight-fisted bouquets of vivid yellow and love to blow the o’clocks on the puffy seed heads. If the delight of children is not reason enough to appreciate the common dandelions. The medicinal benefits and culinary applications of this carefree plant ought to garner grudging respect.

The dandelion’s use as a medicinal herb reaches far back into Chinese history. The Arabs were the next to recognize its usefulness and wrote about it around the 11th century. It was they who taught Europeans about its medicinal benefits.

When the Mayflower arrived in 1620, there were no dandelions in North America. By 1671, they were everywhere. They were introduced to America by European immigrants whose cultures used dandelions as part of their regular diet.


Contains all the nutritive salts for the blood. Dandelion restores and balances the blood so anemia that is caused by deficiencies of these blood salts disappears. It is used to lower blood pressure, helps build energy and endurance. Overweight people when losing weight can become over acidic. These acids in the blood are destroyed by dandelion. One of the best liver cleansers. It increases the activity of the liver and the flow of bile into the intestines.
It is fantastic for use in hepatitis.
Increases activity of the pancreas and the spleen.
Good for the female organs.
Helps open urinary passages.
Used to treat skin diseases.
High in calcium, rich in Iron, low calories, loaded with antioxidants, ultimate detox and cleansing, lots of minerals, 14% protein, multivitamin green.

Dandelion leaves provide vitamins A and C, (the vitamin A content is higher than that of carrots)
Dandelion flowers are one of the best sources of lecithin, a nutrient that elevates the brains acetylcholine and may play a role in boosting memory and mental focus. Lecithin is also good for liver problems. Dandelion root taraxacin, a hepatic stimulant, insulin, as sugar, lacvulin, choline (a basic constituent of lecithin), phytosterols, (which prevent the body from accumulating cholesterol), and potash, (a diuretic).

Dandelion root helps the body dispose of unwanted skin bacteria. It also stimulates digestion and supports the liver – the major organ that helps rid the body of toxins and excess hormones, including the androgens that trigger acne breakouts.

Dandelion root contains bitter principles that have a tonic effect on the liver and digestive system. It is also a natural diureticthat doesn’t rob the body of potassium. This detoxifying, diuretic action also earns dandelion a place in many herbal weight loss formulations. In recent studies, Taraxacum officinalis was shown to have a positive effect on weight management. Dandelion root also contains sugars and starches easily assimilated by diabetics, and can be incorporated into a diet meant to help control blood sugar levels.

Constituents/ Properties:

Constituents: the bitter principle taraxacin, triterpenes (including taraxol and taraxasterol), sterols, inulin, sugars, pectin, glycosides, choline, phenolic acids, asparagine, vitamins, potassium. leaves: lutein, violaxan-thin, and other carotenoids; bitter substance

Properties: * AntiCancer * Bitter * Cholagogue * Depurative * Diuretic * Galactagogue * Stomachic * Tonic

Ways to prepare Dandelion root/ leaf:

Preparation Methods & Dosage : All parts of the dandelion are used for food and medicine, the roots are roasted and used in herbal decoctions, the leaves and crowns for salads and cooked greens, the flowers for making dandelion wine, and the juice to cure warts and blisters.

Drink dandelion root tea to eliminate the toxins that cause skin breakouts and acne.

Drink a cup of dandelion tea in the morning to increase regularity. It is a natural diuretic, and gentle laxative that doesn’t rob the body of potassium.

Dandelion flowers are a feline safe pain reliever. (cats cannot tolerate aspirin) Drop a generous handful in near-boiling water. When the water has darkened, it can be cooled and administered with a dropper.

Squeeze the juice of a dandelion flower stem and apply the milky juice to a wart and leave it to dry on. Repeat as necessarily until wart falls off.

Combos / Recipes:

Chopped dandelion root can be combined with myrrh to make a poultice for boils and abscesses, with honeysuckle flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat boils and abscesses, with skullcap and/or chrysanthemum flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat sore eyes, or with heal-all to treat hard phlegm in bronchitis. Can also be administered in capsule or extract form for convenience.

Dandelion and bilberry “coffee”:

This dark, sweet, and spicy herbal combo also tastes great which makes it a pleasure to include a morning cup in your daily routine. Helpful for heart health, and improved circulation, gout and arthritis.

1 tablespoon dandelion root
2 teaspoons tablespoon dried ginger
1 tablespoon bilberry fruits
3 cups of water
Additions:Cinnamon, cardamom, ramon nut
Recipe Instructions: Decoction :Bring to a boil slowly over low heat, simmer for 10 minutes, then serve hot.


Those who suffer from sensitivity to latex should not harvest their own dandelion leaves, since the stem of the dandelion contains a liquid latex substance that could trigger an allergic skin reaction.
Because the FDA does not oversee the production of dandelion herbal products, the risk exists for contamination of the product from pesticides and other chemicals. As a general safety precaution, do not give dandelion products to children, pregnant women or nursing mothers, unless directed to do so by a doctor.





HERB: Chickweed

Stellaria media

Chickweed / Stellaria media

Parts used : leaves and stems

Parts used : leaves and stems

Also known as : Alsine media, Capiqui, Fleur en Satin, Herbe de Langue, Hierba Gallinera, Morgeline, Mouron des Oiseaux, Pamplina, Star Chickweed, Starweed, Stellaire Intermédiaire, Stellaire Moyenne, Stellaria media.

Chickweed is a member of the Caryophyllaceae, or carnation, family. Chickweed has been used for centuries as an early spring tonic, eaten fresh or steamed, to cleanse the kidneys and liver. English physician Nicholas Culpeper described chickweed as “a fine soft pleasing herb under the dominion of the Moon.”


$3.50 per Ounce

Organic Chickweed Herb C/S



In early modern English herbals, chickweed is recommended as a healing salve or ointment. Some Native Americans used the herb as a wound poultice. It is considered by contemporary herbalists to be an anti-inflammatory herb, good for relieving coughs, congestion and other symptoms of the common cold.


Stomach and bowel problems.
Muscle and joint pain.

Skin conditions including boils, abscesses, and ulcers, when applied directly to the skin.
As chickweed is a very rich source of nutrients that are necessary for balancing the metabolic functions of the body, its intake lessens mucus buildup. It is beneficial in the treatment of various respiratory diseases like bronchitis, chronic cough, cold, asthma and allergy symptoms.

As a poultice, chickweed is used for reducing inflammation of the eyes, in people affected with pink eye or any other eye infection.Chickweed tea benefits include its use in treating coughs and strep throat. Honey can also be added to it for sweetening.Chickweed has diuretic properties, which help the body to flush out toxins through urine and also to reduce fluid retention, weight gain and bloating. Maintaining a healthy urinary system is one of the health benefits of chickweed. It is also used for treating urinary tract infections and cystitis, as it purifies the blood and the kidneys.

Chickweed is also used for weight loss, which is said to be due to the presence of saponins in this herb. It is also used in the treatment of cysts, ovarian cancer and thyroid disorders. Ingested as a tea or tincture, chickweed is indicated as an antitussive (for coughs), a mild diuretic, and as a demulcent for stomach ulcers and sore throats. As an ointment or salve, chickweed is used for inflammatory skin diseases such a eczema and psoriasis. It is also good for rashes, insect bites and burns.

Coumarins, rutin , vitamins A B C , irons, saponins, carbolic acids, flavanoids, fatty acids, mucilage, minerals, silica , triterpenoid.


  • Anti inflammatory
  • Anticancer Demulent
  • Laxative
  • Refrigerant
  • Astringent
  • Anti-rheumatic
  • Demulcent

tea , tincture , salve , poultice, essential oil, and ointment.

Gather chickweed from young plants before or during flowering and throughout the year. Snipping the stems will encourage growth of new branches for later harvest. The freshly harvested herb will keep for several days if refrigerated. The fresh herb may be eaten in salads, or very, very lightly steamed as a potherb. Chickweed has a somewhat bland taste, so other edible greens may be added to the pot to enhance the flavor.

Infusion: Place 2 oz of fresh chickweed leaves and stems in a warmed glass container. Bring 2.5 cups of fresh, nonchlorinated water to the boiling point, and add it to the herbs. Cover and infuse the tea for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink warm. The prepared tea will store for about two days in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Chickweed tea may be enjoyed by the cupful up to three times a day. A strong infusion may be used as a skin wash or bath additive to soothe itching and inflamed skin.

Poultice: Chop fresh chickweed leaves and stems in sufficient quantity to cover the area being treated. Sprinkle the herb with water and place over the area. Cover the herbal mass with a strip of wet cotton gauze to hold the poultice in place. When gathering the older, tougher plant, the herb may be simmered either in water alone or in a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar for about five minutes. Apply to the skin after the mixture has sufficiently cooled.

Tincture: Combine four ounces of finely-cut fresh or powdered dry herb with one pint of brandy, gin, or vodka, in a glass container. The alcohol should be enough to cover the plant parts. Place the mixture away from light for about two weeks, shaking several times each day. Strain and store in a tightly-capped, dark glass bottle. A standard dose is 1–4 ml of the tincture three times a day.bly safe in non-allergic people when ingested in food amounts, based on its use as a wild edible plant in Spain.

A general cleansing combination that you can make yourself, which helps you lose weight, is a blend of:

  • Chickweed
  • Black Walnut
  • Echinacea
  • Mandrake
  • Licorice
  • Safflower
  • Gota Kola
  • Hawthorne Berries
  • Papaya
  • Fennel Seed
  • Dandelion


            Chickweed is considered safe for most adults when taken by mouth, but the potential side effects are not known. Generally considered a safe medicinal food plant- large amounts of chickweed can have a laxative effect. Pregnant or breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of chickweed during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Do not use if there is any kidney disease present. Do not exceed dosage as an excessive dose can have an adverse effect on the kidneys.






HERB: Chaste Berry

Vitex agnus-castus

Chaste Berry/ Vitex agnus-castus

Also known as: Chaste Tree, Monk’s Pepper, Chaste Lamb-Tree, Safe Tree. It has also been called Indian-Spice, and Wild-Pepper, referring to the use of the fruits as a pepper substitute. The small round fruits (seeds) have a pungent scent and flavor reminiscent of black pepper.

Parts used: berries
With a rich traditional of use as a remedy for controlling and regulating the female reproductive system. Also used to regularize monthly periods and treat amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, it also helped ease menopausal problems and aided the birth process. modern research supports historical wisdom, and has made chaste tree fruit preparations a phytomedicine of choice by European gynecologists for treatment of various menstrual disorders, PMS, and other conditions.

$2.00 per ounce

Organic Chaste Tree Berries Whole


Herb History

Chaste tree was associated with ancient Greek festivals. In the Thesmophoria, a festival held in honor of Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture, fertility and marriage, women (who remained “chaste” during the festival), used chaste tree blossoms for adornment, while bows of twigs and leaves, were strewn around Demeter’s temple during the festival. In Rome, vestal virgins carried twigs of chaste tree as a symbol of chastity. According to Greek mythology, Hera, sister and wife of Zeus, regarded as protectress of marriage, was born under a chaste tree. Ancient traditions associating the shrub with chastity were adopted in Christian ritual. Novitiates entering a monastery walked on a path strewn with the blossoms of the tree, a ritual that continues to the present day in some regions of Italy.
Vitex neither represses sexual passion, as the ancient Greeks who gave it the name Agnus casus (chaste), believed, nor does it act as a true aphrodisiac. Vitex is a normalizing herb for the female reproductive system, a regulator of the hormonal balance of estrogen and progesterone. This normalizing of hormones is what makes the herb valuable in treating painful and irregular menses, PMS, menopause and infertility. For chronic problems, it is most effective when taken over a prolonged period of time.

Vitex berry tinctures were also traditionally prescribed for pain and weakness in the limbs.

Chasteberry MajesticalLipsInc.com


Chasteberry is not just for women. It has also been used as a natural remedy to help balance hormones in men. It has a natural anti-androgen that lowers testosterone levels and may suppress the onset of prostate cancer.

Chasteberry also has antioxidant properties for removing free radicals as well as anti-inflammatory qualities. It can be effective for digestive problems, and can be useful in reducing overall cholesterol levels.

Chasteberry is often used by herbalists to regulate hormone imbalances in women and lower the testosterone levels in men. It is known for its effectiveness in the treatment of menstrual disorders, PMS, menopausal symptoms such as breast tenderness, hot flashes and mood swings, infertility and decreased milk production in lactating women. Due to its anti-androgen activity, Chasteberry has been used as a natural supplement to lower testosterone levels in transgenders (in male to female), and to suppress the onset of prostate cancer which is also associated with high testosterone levels. Its anti-androgen activity may also help clear up acne, reduce Hirsutism (excessive hair growth) in women.

Ways to prepare:

one teaspoon of (dried or fresh) Chasteberrys crushed lightly

one cup of boiling water

let sit 3-5 minutes before you drink


The Chasteberry herb works primarily on the pituitary gland to balance and stabilize the hormonal fluctuations women experience every month with their menstrual cycle. Chasteberry increases the body’s secretion of luteinizing hormone which helps to reduce prolactin and increase both progesterone and follicle-stimulating hormones. Higher levels of prolactin contribute to irregular or the absence of the menstruation cycle, thus, using chasteberry helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, including symptoms of PMS. Evidence suggests that the chasteberry flowers contain the plant world’s equivalent of human testosterone, which would help to stimulate libido.


There are not any known adverse side effects of Chasteberry when taken in moderation. Chasteberry should not be taken more than 6-8 months on a regular basis. However, overdose of Chasteberry may cause headache, dizziness, nausea, upset stomach, rash, and itchiness. Since Chasteberry is considered a hormone regulator, it should be avoided when you are being treated for any kind of hormone related condition, are pregnant or lactating or are taking oral contraceptives or medications with dopamine and bromocriptine. Also anti-androgen activity of Chasteberry might affect the fertility in men. Therefore it should be taken into consideration when trying to conceive. It is recommended to consult your health care provider before taking chasteberry or its supplements therapeutically to rule any potential clash with any other medications that you may be taking.


·         http://www.maplecreeknaturals.com/benefits-of-chasteberry-herb-for-pms/

·         http://www.organicauthority.com/health/balance-hormones-naturally-with-chasteberry.html

·         http://www.wholehealthchicago.com/464/chasteberry/

HERB: Neem Leaf

Neem/Azadirachta indica

Also known as: Antelaea azadirachta, Arishta, Arishtha, Azadirachta indica, Bead Tree, Holy Tree, Huile de Neem, Indian Lilac, Indian Neem, Lilas des Indes, Lilas de Perse, Margosa, Margosa Tree, Margousier, Margousier à Feuilles de Frêne, Margousier d’Inde, Melia azadirachta, Neem Oil, Neem Tree, Melia azadirachta, Nim, Nimb, Nimba, Persian Lilac

Parts used: bark, leaves, seeds, fruit & flower


Neem Leaf $3.75 per oz

Organic Neem Leaf C/S - 4 oz


Herb history:

Even before ancient herbalists discovered the analgesic qualities of the willow tree, from which aspirin is derived, people used branches, fruit and leaves from the neem as home remedies. A key advantage of using neem, as opposed to some medical treatments and other herbs, is its compliance with the first tenant of the Hippocratic Oath taken by all physicians: “First, cause no harm.” Over thousands of years, neem has been used by hundreds of millions of people and no hazards have been documented for normal dosages. Only at very high levels may neem be toxic, something each of us understands can be true of anything taken internally.

Neem in the Indian Vedas
Neem is also called ‘ Arista ’ in Sanskrit- a word that means ‘perfect, complete and imperishable’. The Sanskrit name ‘ Nimba ’ comes from the term ‘ Nimbati Syasthyamdadati ’ which means ‘to give good health’. ‘ Pinchumada ’ another name of Neem in Sanskrit means the destroyer of leprosy and healer of skin infections. Its medicinal qualities are outlined in the earliest Sanskrit writings and its uses in Hindu medicine that dates back to very remote times. The earliest authentic record of the curative properties of Neem and is uses in the indigenous system of medicine in India is found in Kautilya’s “Arthashastra” around 4th century BC.

Neem’s medicinal properties are listed in the ancient documents ‘ Carak- Samhita ’ and ‘ Susruta-Samhita ’, the books at the foundation of the Indian system of natural treatment, Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine, which emphasizes a holistic approach to human health and well being. It is described in the Ayurvedic texts as ‘ sarva roga nivarini ’ (a universal reliever of all illness). Neem has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 4,000 years due to its medicinal properties. Records show that the non-edible Neem oil was perhaps the oldest known medicinal oil. Almost every part of the Neem tree has been documented for some medicinal use. They are: Tonic and anti-periodic (root bark, stem bark, and young fruit), antiseptic and local stimulant (seed, oil, and leaves), stimulant tonic and stomachic (flowers), demulcent tonic (gum), and refreshing, nutrient, and alternative tonic (toddy). Neem bark leaves, and fruits have been used in Ayurvedic medicines for a long time and are described in ancient writing of Sushruta.

The ‘ Upavanavinod ’, an ancient Sanskrit treatise dealing with forestry and agriculture, cites neem as a cure for ailing soils, plants and livestock. Neem cake, the residue from the seeds after oil extraction, is fed to livestock and poultry, while its leaves increase soil fertility. The ‘ Brihat Samhita’ of Varahamihira ’, dated about 6th century AD, contains a chapter of verses on plant medicines. It recommends that the neem tree be planted near dwellings. Smallpox and chicken pox were cured or staved off with the use of neem leaves.

Unani scholars knew Neem’s properties beneficial to human health and named it as ‘ Shajar-e-Munarak’, or the blessed tree. Persian scholars called Neem “Azad dirakht-I-Hind,” meaning the noble or free tree of India

Benefits / Treats:

Gum disease (gingivitis). Applying neem leaf extract gel to the teeth and gums twice daily for 6 weeks might reduce plaque formation, according to developing research. It also might reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth that can cause plaque.
Ulcers. Some research suggests that taking 30-60 mg of neem bark extract twice daily for 10 weeks seems to help heal stomach and intestinal ulcers.
Upset stomach.
Breathing conditions.
Head lice.
Skin conditions and diseases.
Heart disease.

Neem has a long history of relieving inflamed joints, supported by recent scientific studies. Most anti-inflammatories, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, irritate the stomach and may be the major cause for upper GI bellding.

Throughout Southeast Asia neem has been used successfully by herbalists for hundreds of years to reduce tumors. Researchers are now supporting these uses.

Dental Care
People in both India and Africa have used neem twigs as tooth brushes for centuries. Neem twigs contain antiseptic ingredients necessary for dental hygiene. Neem powder is also used to brush teeth and massage gums.

Because neem is a tonic and a revitalizer, it works effectively in the treatment of diabetes, as well. More than a disease that requires change of diet, diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people ages twenty-five and seventy-four; it also damages nerves, kidneys, hear and blood vessels; it may even result in the loss of limbs.


Neem leaves have anti-inflammatory activity, similar to that in drugs such as phenyl butazone and cortisone. They can relieve pain and reduce acute pain edema. For rheumatism, tropical applications of a warmed neem cream that contains neem oil and perhaps a mild neem tea will help lessen pain.

Relatively new scientific findings indicate that neem may even be useful for reducing anxiety and stress. An experiment was done on test animals to see what, if any effect neem leaf extract had on these conditions.

In the Ayurvedic medical tradition, neem is considered a useful therapy for ulcers and gastric discomfort. Compounds in neem have been proven to have antiulcerative effects. Throughout India, people take neem leaves for all sorts of stomach problems.

Skin Diseases
Neem has been highly successfully against harmful fungi, parasites, and viruses. Although it can destroy these, it does not kill off beneficial intestinal flora nor produce adverse side effects.


immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic
Azadirachtin: Provides repellant, anti-hormonal and anti-feedant properties
Nimbin: Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, antihistamine and antifungal properties
Nimbidin: Provides antibacterial, anti-ulcer, analgesic, anti-arrhythmic and antifungal properties
Nimbidol: Provides anti-tubercular, anti-protozoan and antipyretic properties
Sodium nimbinate: Provides diuretic, spermicidal and anti-arthritic properties
Gedunin: Provides vasodilator, anti-malaria and antifungal properties
Salannin: Provides repellant properties
Quercetin: Provides anti-protozoal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
Neem seed oil contains the major concentrations of theses active compounds along with many fatty acids like oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, etc.. Lesser amounts of these active compounds are also found in neem leaves and bark.

4 . Ways to use:
Tea , tincture , essential oils , salve , lotion , cream , capsule , powder ,

5 . Combos / Recipes :

Neem appears to be safe for most adults, when taken by mouth for a short period of time. When neem is taken in large doses or for long periods of time, it might beUNSAFE. It might harm the kidneys and liver.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Children: Neem is UNSAFE for children. Serious side effects in infants and small children can happen within hours after taking neem oil. These serious side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, blood disorders, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, brain disorders, and death.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Neem oil and neem bark are UNSAFE to use during pregnancy. They can cause a miscarriage.

“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Neem might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it’s best to avoid using neem.

Diabetes: There is some evidence that neem can lower blood sugar levels and might cause blood sugar to go too low. If you have diabetes and use neem, monitor your blood sugar carefully. It might be necessary to change the dose of your diabetes medication.

Reduced ability to have children (infertility): There is some evidence that neem can harm sperm. It might also reduce fertility in other ways. If you are trying to have children, avoid using neem.

Organ transplant: There is a concern that neem might decrease the effectiveness of medications that are used to prevent organ rejection. Do not use neem if you have had an organ transplant.

Surgery: Because neem might lower blood sugar levels, there is a concern that it might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using neem at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Be cautious with this combination
Lithium interacts with NEEM
Neem might have an effect like a water pill or “diuretic.” Taking neem might decrease how well the body gets rid of lithium. This could increase how much lithium is in the body and result in serious side effects. Talk with your healthcare provider before using this product if you are taking lithium. Your lithium dose might need to be changed.
Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with NEEM
Neem might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking neem along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your diabetes medication might need to be changed.

Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride (Amaryl), glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase PresTab, Micronase), insulin, pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone (Avandia), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), glipizide (Glucotrol), tolbutamide (Orinase), and others.
Medications that decrease the immune system (Immunosuppressants) interacts with NEEM
Neem might increase the immune system. By increasing the immune system, neem might decrease the effectiveness of medications that decrease the immune system.

Some medications that decrease the immune system include azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept), tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus (Rapamune), prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), corticosteroids (glucocorticoids), and others.

The appropriate dose of neem depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for neem. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using..


HERB: Calendula

Calendula/ Calendula officinalis

Also known as: marigold, pot marigold, and goldbloom
Parts used: flowers and oil
Calendula is a good treatment for cuts, scrapes, bruises, insect bites and minor wounds. The oil Calendula  is used as an anti-inflammatory, an anti-tumor agent, and a remedy for healing wounds. The beautiful flowers were also once used as a source of dye for fabrics. By using different mordants, a variety of yellows, oranges and browns could be obtained.

$2.75 per Ounce

Blue Violet Leaf C/S Organic


Herb history:

Romans and Greeks used the golden calendula in many rituals and ceremonies, sometimes wearing crowns or garlands made from the flowers. One of calendula’s nicknames is “Mary’s Gold,” referring to the flower’s use in early Catholic events in some countries. Calendula flowers are sacred flowers in India and have been used to decorate the statues of Hindu deities since early times. Aztecs and Mayans used the flowers in their ancient ceremonies, and the flowers are still used on home altars on the Day of the Dead in Mexico and Central America.
The ancient Romans named this plant Calendula because they noticed that it was blooming on the first day of every month (calends). It was a symbol of joy and happiness in their gardens, and because it provided them with a continuous supply of flowers and tender leaves, it was used regularly for cooking and in medicine.

Calendula originated in southern Europe, Mediterranean areas and parts of Asia. It is now cultivated all over the world. It is an annual and blooms profusely wherever it is grown. Calendula has been hybridized to highlight specific characteristics, but the wild and open-pollinated versions of this garden favorite are found everywhere.
Calendula has been used in cooking for centuries. The flowers were a common ingredient in German soups and stews, which explains the nickname “pot marigold.” The lovely golden petals were also used to add color to butter and cheese. The flowers are traditional ingredients in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes. Calendula tea provides health benefits as well as being delicious.

Calendula MajesticalLipsInc.com

Benefits/ Treats:

Muscle spasms, fever, cancer, nosebleeds, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, promoting menstruation, treating mouth and throat soreness, wounds, leg ulcers. Calendula is antifungal and so can help to cure thrush. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of calendula make it a good face wash for dry, irritated skin and acne. Fresh calendula petals can also be infused in boiling water and used to treat minor infections, conjunctivitis, and mouth sores. Calendula tinctures are also a concentrated and convenient way to treat sore or infected gums.

Constituents/ Properties:

Constituents: carotenoids, resin, essential oil, flavonoids, sterol, bitter principle, saponins, mucilage
Properties: * Analgesic * Anti-inflammatory * Antibacterial * AntiCancer * Antifungal * Antiscrofulous * Astringent * Cholagogue * Depurative * Diaphoretic/sudorific * Emmenagogue * Febrifuge * Vulnerary
Ways to prepare calendula:
Tea, salve, mouthwash

Combo’s/ Recipe’s:

Calendula is so gentle, it is often given to children for upset stomach. It’s astringent and anti-inflammatory properties make it particularly useful for treating heartburn. As a skin wash, calendula stimulates the grows of skin cells to fight wrinkles, keeps complexion smooth, moist, and helps fight acne breakouts. 17
Use calendula in the same way to treat your animal companion’s flea bite, rashes, and scrapes, it is safe and non-toxic if they lick it off.
For tea: Steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried flowers in 1 to 2 cups of hot water for 10 minutes. Drink as needed.
Compress: For eyestrain, brew a strong tea using a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers per cup of boiling water. Steep until cool. Apply using a cool compress put over your eyelids, and lean back and relax for at least 10 minutes.
Face wash: Apply to the face with a cotton ball or clean cloth, or use as the liquid base of a lotion.


An allergic reaction to this product is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Don’t take calendula by mouth if you are pregnant. There is a concern that it might cause a miscarriage. It’s best to avoid topical use as well until more is known. If you are breast-feeding, don’t take calendula either. There isn’t enough safety information about use during breast-feeding. Allergy to ragweed and related plants: Calendula may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family. Members of this family include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, and many others. If you have allergies, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before taking calendula.
